VOL: 2
November 2011
Sharon Teeter, Editor
I like fall I enjoy the cool nights and the warm days, the colors of the trees and the leaves that have to be cleaned up and the start of football season. Fall is leading us up to Reformation Day and then onto Thanksgiving.
I am humbled at being the President of the congregation. If you would have asked me two years ago if I wanted to be President I would have said “no way”. God on the other hand has a much different plan than we did. We had not planned on moving up here until after we were both retired, but God had different plans for us. His ways are not our ways nor are His thoughts like ours. He wanted us up here for His purpose.
As a small church we have a lot of opportunities to serve the Lord. If you have a heart to serve as an usher or as someone who would like to fill the altar candles and communion cups or if you want to be part of fellowship, or if you have the desire to do building repairs we have the need. Or if you want to be part of the prayer team or if you want to write an article for the newsletter, ask me how you can serve, I ask you to prayerfully consider serving. We all have time, talent or treasure. All has been provided by The LORD. God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
As 1 Peter 4:10 says “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
In closing as the days get shorter and the leaves start to change colors – enjoy the show that God puts on for us. I ask for your prayers for me and for all the Church Council and for Pastor Gene and his family and for the Church and for all who worship and serve in God’s House.
Blessed be His Holy name.
David Strandberg
Trustee Report: The roof on the storeroom/shed area is now complete. The next phase will be to insulate the walls and ceiling.
September 1, 2011 Fellowship meeting: The meeting was about planning for our upcoming events, our Oktoberfest, the Christmas Potluck Dinner, and a Family Night. The Fellowship assignments were also scheduled through December 2011.
Family Movie Night was held on Friday, September 16, 2011 at 7PM. The movie, “The Long, Long Trailer” was shown. There was a variety of drinks and water available for all which was provided by the Fellowship Committee. Some who attended the Family Night event brought their own lawn chairs, pillows and blankets to use as they watched the movie. Everyone had lots of fun, and we hope to be doing this again soon.
Oktoberfest: Oktoberfest is this year’s fall festivity theme. The date will be Sunday, October 30, 2011. The Fellowship Committee will be providing main dishes with others furnishing either a German side dish or dessert. A sign-up sheet is in the narthex for everyone to sign up.
Advent: On Wednesday, November 30, 2011 we will be having our annual Advent Wednesday Service beginning at 6PM, with a Soup Supper following the service. The Christmas tree will be decorated after the Soup Supper. Please plan to stay to help decorate the tree.
Christmas Potluck: The Christmas Potluck Dinner is in the planning stage. The date will be Saturday, December 3, 2011. More details to follow as they become available. A sign-up sheet will be provided and placed in the narthex as the date draws near.
Women’s Bible Study: Each Tuesday there is a Women’s Bible Study which begins at 11AM and is held at the church. All ladies are invited to attend. We are currently doing a study on Prayer. Please see Sharon Strandberg for a lesson or more information.
Wednesday Bible Study at Nottinghams: Each Wednesday there is a Bible Study at Nottinghams starting at 11AM. We are currently studying the Book of Isaiah.
Saturday Christian Synagogue Service: On the first and third Saturdays of each month there is the Saturday Christian Synagogue Service which begins at 9AM.
Sunday Morning Matins Service: Prior to the Sunday morning service, beginning at 8:15AM there is a Matins Service in the Sanctuary, where we gather together to lift up our voices to the Lord. All are welcome to attend this services.
Sunday Morning Prayer Group: Each Sunday, immediately following the Matins service and prior to the Sunday morning service there is a prayer group that starts at 8:35AM in the Sunday School room. We pray for the Pastor, the community, the nation, those in need and for the work of the Holy Spirit. All are invited to attend.
Sunday Morning Bible Study: On Sunday after fellowship there is Bible Study beginning at 11AM.
The Lord’s Supper Services: The Lord’s Supper Communion Services are being held on Thursdays beginning at 10AM, and also on Fridays beginning at 12 Noon. All are welcome to attend.
Helping Hands: Thank you to all help support this project at Shepherd in the Pines. Please prayerfully consider donating food items or cash to the Helping Hands ministry at a time in which there are so many needs. We pray we will continue to be attentive to those needs and help out whenever and however we are able to. You may bring food and leave it in the narthex. You may also donate money for Helping Hands. Please use the yellow envelopes in the pews. If you need food please talk to Cyndi Smith, Donna LaVoire, Virginia Turner or Sharon Strandberg for assistance. If there is anyone that might know someone who needs a card or flowers due to illness or bereavement please contact Cyndi Smith.
American Heroes Board: Do you have names and photos of those serving our country in uniform, (Military, Fire, Police)? Or for those who are presently serving in the Peace Corp? Please get the information to Bev Grabe to be posted on our board
Flower Chart: The Flower Chart has been filled up for the balance of the year. Thanks to all who signed up. We even have two slots filled in for January 2012. If you would like to sign up now for any date in 2012, please let Bev Grabe know so she can add your name on the new flower chart when it arrives.
Newsletter: If anyone has any information that they would like to submit for the newsletter, please contact Sharon Teeter after the service. Your input is very important to us.